Hello!!! My name is Edward, but i also go by many other names.

I am 17, and use it/ai/he pronouns. If you're into typology I'm intp/infj 593 (5w6 9w1 3w2) etcetc. I am autistic and my special interests are rhythm games (~6 yrs) and anime (~9 yrs). I'm in high school but also study Japanese at a college. :)

rhythm games (past and current): enstars, bandori, pjsekai, pjdiva, llsif, aaside, deresute, d4dj, voez, etc
other games: yttd, danganronpa (i don't play many other games lmfao)
favorite animanga: fma(b), tpn (only s1...), kill la kill, tbhk, promare, soul eater, toradora, etc
other interests: psychology, medicine, music, reptiles, etc